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Dealing with Dairy

In previous posts, I have discussed foods—specifically, sugar and gluten—that cause harm when consumed. The last food in this triad is dairy. Before you lament the loss of your favorite cow-milk product, keep reading. There is hope.

You can take heart in knowing that for every cow-milk beverage, there are now a slew of non-dairy alternatives, including:

· Almond

· Cashew

· Coconut

· Hemp

· Oat

NOTE: Soy milk is also non-dairy, but can cause other health and hormonal issues, especially the non-organic options.

Why the issue with cow milk? Simply, it’s undigestible for humans, and any food we cannot digest causes inflammation in the digestive wall. When spread out, the digestive system covers the same area as a doubles tennis court. The second layer of your digestive tract contains your immune system. This is an incredibly large area.

Any inflammation of the gut wall will have a direct and very negative effect on your ability to fight off infections and deal with any dysregulated cells—cancer.

Inflammation is one of the major causes of aging and cell death. It increases levels of toxicity that the liver and kidneys must deal with. Any foods you do not digest and assimilate into the cells can cause inflammation.

What about organically raised cow milk? It sounds better, but really isn’t. Even if the grains fed to the cows are organic, cows are not meant to eat grains. Grains of any sort creates inflammation in the cow and this acidity is passed onto you.

What about grass-fed cow’s milk? This is a better alternative in moderate amounts.

Several years ago, I met a couple who were raising Guernseys and offering raw milk in a cow-share program. At that time, I had not drunk any milk for 25 years, as I knew it caused me digestive issues and brain fog. They assured me this milk was different, so I purchased a litre. I drank that milk over a week and felt absolutely no issues.

Why? The Holstein cows (the black and white ones) have been so manipulated in the breeding programs that the milk is not digestible. The feeding programs and antibiotic and growth hormones used only further obstructs digestibility.

However, those Guernseys were fed grass, allowed to birth calves, and received no growth hormones or antibiotics. I bought their milk for a year before they moved away. That type of milk is very difficult to find in North America. However, it is the norm in Europe, which is why so many North Americans can visit the EU and consume their cow milk products with no or fewer digestive problems.

I have been eating European cheeses, in moderate amounts, for over a year now and, so far, have had no issues.

In the next blog post, I’ll discuss in more depth the available alternatives and their health benefits. Converting to a dairy-free lifestyle may feel challenging, but it is attainable and rewarding.

Remember, attaining radiant health, increased energy, and a clearly focused mind happens one new habit at a time.

I am here to help to create your new Health.Simply

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